
Showing posts from May, 2024

Silent but Obvious Exodus

  Green Finance Corporation is a company that engages in business-to-business loan transactions. The company has existed for over 100 years. Over the years, it has grown to have 500 employees. It has three departments: Administration, Accounting, and Sales. The Administration Department takes charge of all operations and is headed by the COO (Chief Operations Officer),  Isabella Chen . This department is responsible for planning and development. All policies are developed by this department as well. The Accounting Department, on the other hand, takes charge of bookkeeping, tax preparations, and all other financial aspects of the company. It is managed by the CFO (Chief Financial Officer)  Victor Harrington . The Sales Department, on the other hand, takes charge of marketing and sales operations. It is headed by the CEO (Chief Executive Officer), Evelyn Sinclair, since she has experience and expertise in marketing.  For five years, the company has experienced turnover rates of over 10%