Chat is Official?

In response to the challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic, academic institutions worldwide have been compelled to adapt swiftly to remote learning and communication. One crucial aspect of this adaptation has been the utilization of digital communication platforms to facilitate seamless interaction among students, faculty, and staff. Prior to the pandemic, the University of Pink Profession (UPP) relied heavily on written communication and email. When the pandemic hit, many of the faculty and staff decided to use Facebook Messenger, even though the implementing rules and regulations of the university for online distance learning clearly indicated that the official communication was not Facebook Messenger. The decision of the employees was due to the fact that most telecommunications companies offer it as a free service compared to other platforms such as Google Chat. 

 This practice has been ongoing until the public health emergency was lifted. With the gradual return to face-to-face classes, the Information Technology Center (ITC), recognizing the threats to cybersecurity, reminded everyone to use email as official communication, or Google Chat as an alternative. This is because many of the official communications that were supposed to be easily retrievable for various purposes including accreditations were becoming difficult to find. Unfortunately, many of the employees have been resistant to this because of being too accustomed to chat. Skills in writing letters have declined. As an alternative, the ITC Director suggested Google Chat instead of Facebook Messenger since the school already subscribed to a premium account for Google Workspace, and that most of the employees are already doing classes onsite. Furthermore, all employees and students are provided with UPP emails making it easier to find them and engage in conversations via Google Workspace, something that is difficult to do in Facebook Messenger because they would have to give their personal accounts to be able to communicate. Even the university president released a memorandum informing everyone to use the official communication channel of the university. Despite this, many employees and even middle administrators are still not compliant.

Chat is Official? by Eric John Embrda is licensed under CC BY-NC 4.0


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